in Finder, navigate to Documents -> Color Documents ; right click on your project and choose "show content of the package"
* projectname.pdl has settings for the project
* Archives folder : every time a project is saved, Color makes a backup, to allow future restoration. This folder is often heavy. Its content can be erased, without losing any functionality but restoration.
* Shots folder : holds a list of numbered folders ; all the grades of Shot 1 are in folder Shots/1, for Shot 2 in Shots/2, etc...
shotnumber.lsi is a binary cache file. It is not human readable, and can be deleted contains the shot settings
(media directory,
file extension,
rendered state)
it can be opened in TextEdit
PanAndScan/shotnumber.pns holds the geometry settings of the shot
(aspect ratio,
it can be opened in TextEdit
Grade1, Grade2, Grade3, Grade4 hold the 4 grades that can be applied to every shot
shotnumber_in.0.pcc holds the Primary In grading
shotnumber_out.0.pcc holds the Primary Out grading
shotnumber.0.scc holds secondaries grading
shotnumber.cfx holds FX effects
shotnumber.kfd holds the keyframes
* the directory StillStore holds avery Stills you have taken in your project. It can be emptied without loosing anything but the stills